熊祖洪:男,汉族,教授,博士生导师。是Energy & Environmental Science、Nature Communications、Advanced Functional Materials、Applied Physics Letters、Journal of Applied Physics、Journal of Materials Chemistry C、Organic Electronics、Applied Physics A、Applied Surface Science、Synthetic Metals、Surface and Coatings Technology、Science in China Series G、Chinese Physics Letters和《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《物理学报》和《发光学报》等学术期刊的审稿人。
2007.03-2008.03 美国加州大学河滨分校(UC-Riverside)物理及天文学系,高级访问
2005.12-至 今 西南大学物理科学与技术学院,教授
2003.02-2005.02 美国犹他大学(U. of Utah)物理及天文学系,副研究员
2002.11-2005.11 西南师范大学物理学院,特聘教授
2000.07-2002.10 复旦大学化学系,博士后
1999.11-2000.02 香港城市大学物理及材料科学系(COSDAF),研究助理
1995.09-2000.06 复旦大学物理系(应用表面物理国家重点实验室),理学博士
1991.09-1995.07 西南师范大学(现为西南大学)物理系,物理学士
从事凝聚态物理专业的科研活动:即光电子学、自旋电子学和自旋光电子学的器件物理,如有机发光二极管及其阵列显示、有机磁敏器件(包括有机发光二极管和有机太阳能电池的磁响应)、半导体(包括有机半导体和Si等无机半导体)器件中电子自旋的注入、传输和探测等相关研究。先后在Nature (第一作者,已被引1200余次)、Nano Energy、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Adv. Opt. Mater.、J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Phys. Rev. Applied、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Mater. Chem. C、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Appl. Phys.、Org. Electron.、RSC Adv.、Synth. Met.、中国科学、科学通报、物理学报等杂志上发表100余篇论文,论文引用达2000余次。先后主持了国家自然科学基金(4项)、 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、教育部科学技术研究重点项目、教育部霍英东教育基金会第十届高校青年教师基金和重庆市杰出青年基金等10余项。申报专利6项,出版学术著作1部,获省部级以上奖励与荣誉4项。
(01) 国家自然科学基金(11874305):2019.01-2022.12
(02) 国家自然科学基金(11374242):2014.01-2017.12
(03) 国家自然科学基金(10974157):2010.01-2012.12
(04) 国家自然科学基金(10504027):2006.01-2008.12
(05) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-05-0772):2006.01-2008.12
(06) 重庆市科委杰出青年基金(CSTC, 2010BA6002):2010.12-2013.11
(07) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK2009A001):2010.01-2012.12
(08) 教育部霍英东教育基金会第十届高等院校青年教师基金(101006):2006.04-2009.04
(09) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(105145):2005.01-2007.12
(10) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2007]1108 号):2007.09-2009.09
(11) 重庆市科委应用基础研究项目(2003-7934):2003.01-2005.12
(12) 复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室开放课题(KL2011-06):2011.09-2013.08
(01) Giant magnetoresistance in organic spin-valves
Z.H.Xiong, D. Wu, X. G. Li, Z.V. Vardeny, Jing Shi*
Nature 427, 821-824(2004). 已被引用1250余次. 影响因子:~49.96
(02) Charge-transfer versus energy-transfer in quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes
Ping Chen, Yan Meng, Mahshid Ahmadi, Qiming Peng, Chunhong Gao, Long Xu, Zuhong Xiong*, Bin Hu*
Nano Energy 50, 615-622(2018). 影响因子:~17.88
(03) Full Confinement of High-Lying Triplet States to Achieve High-Level Reverse Intersystem Crossing in Rubrene: A Strategy for Obtaining the Record-High EQE of 16.1% with Low Efficiency Roll-Off
Xiantong Tang, Ruiheng Pan, Xi Zhao, Weiyao Jia, Ying Wang, Linyao Tu, and Zuhong Xiong*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 30,2005765(2020). 影响因子:~18.81
(04) Observation of Reverse Intersystem-Crossing From the Upper-Level Triplet to Lowest Singlet Excitons (T2 →S1) in Tetra(t-butyl)rubrene-Based OLEDs for Enhanced Light-Emission
Ying Wang, Yaru Ning, Fengjiao Wu, Jing Chen, Xiaoli Chen, and Zuhong Xiong*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 32,2202822(2022). 影响因子:~18.81
(05) Tenfold Enhancement in Light Emission from Low-Temperature Operational Doped OLEDs by Detrapping Super-Long-Lived Trapped Charges
Jing Chen, Xi Zhao, Huiyao Wang, Yunxi Jiang, Xiantong Tang*, Yuting Wu, Fuxian Wu, Zuhong Xiong*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 33,2305560(2023). 影响因子:~18.81
(06) High-Performance Hot-Exciton OLEDs via Fully Harvesting Triplet Excited States from Both the Exciplex Co-Host and the TBRb Emitter
Fuxian Wu, Jing Chen, Xi Zhao, Yuting Wu, Huiyao Wang, Xiaoli Chen, Zuhong Xiong*
Adv. Sci. 8,2303192(2023). 影响因子:~15.10
(07) An unprecedented spike of the electroluminescence turn-on transience from guest-doped OLEDs with strong electron-donating abilities of host carbazole groups
Jing Chen, Xi Zhao, Xiantong Tang, Yaru Ning, Fengjiao Wu, Xiapli Chen, Hongqiang Zhu, and Zuhong Xiong*
Mater. Horiz. 8, 2785-2796(2021). 影响因子:~13.56
(08) Ultra large Magneto-Electroluminescence in Exciplex-Based Devices Driven by Field-Induced Reverse Intersystem Crossing
Y. L. Lei, Q. M. Zhang, L. X. Chen, Y. Z. Ling, P. Chen, Q. L. Song, Z.H.Xiong*
Adv. Opt. Mater. 4, 694-699(2016). 影响因子:~9.93
(09) Magneto-electroluminescence as a tool to discern the origin of delayed fluorescence: reverse intersystem crossing or triplet-triplet annihilation?
P. Chen, Z.H.Xiong*,Q. M. Peng, J. W. Bai, S. T. Zhang, F. Li*
Adv. Opt. Mater. 2, 142-148(2014). 影响因子:~9.93
(10) Conversion from Normal to Abnormal Current-Dependent ISC and from Abnormal to Normal Current-Dependent RISC Processes in Exciplex-Based OLEDs
X. Zhao, J. Chen, X. T. Tang, F. J. Wu, Y. R. Ning, X. L. Chen, Z.H.Xiong*
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9, 2200155 (2022). 影响因子:~6.15
(11)Identifying the Exciplex-to-Exciplex Energy Transfer in Tricomponent Exciplex-Based OLEDs through Magnetic Field Effect Measurements
Fengjiao Wu, Xi Zhao, Hongqiang Zhu*, Xiantong Tang, Yaru Ning, Jing Chen, Xiaoli Chen,and Zuhong Xiong*
ACS Photon. 9, 2713-2723(2022). 影响因子:~7.10
(12) Intersystem Crossing and Triplet Fusion in Singlet-Fission-Dominated Rubrene-Based OLEDs Under High Bias Current
Xiantong Tang, Yeqian Hu, Weiyao Jia, Ruiheng Pan, Junquan Deng, and Zuhong Xiong*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 1948-1956(2018). 影响因子:~9.23
(13) Room-Temperature Observation for Reverse Intersystem Crossing in Exciplex-Based OLEDs with Balanced Charge Injection
Xi Zhao, Xiantong Tang, Hongqiang Zhu, Caihong Ma, Ying Wang, Shengnan Ye, Linyao Tu, and Zuhong Xiong*
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3, 3034-3043(2021). 影响因子:~3.31
(14) Magnetic field dependent carrier injection at LSMO/organic semiconductor interfaces
D. Wu, Z.H.Xiong, X. G. Li, Z.V. Vardeny, Jing Shi*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(1), 016802(2005). 影响因子:~9.16
(15) Abnormal Reverse Intersystem Crossing of Polaron-Pair States and Its Conversion to Intersystem Crossing via the Regulation of Intermolecular Electron-Hole Spacing Distance
Jing Xu, Xiantong Tang, Xi Zhao, Hongqiang Zhu, Fenlan Qu, and Zuhong Xiong*
Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 024011(2020). 影响因子:~4.99
(16) Dynamic Behaviors of Exciplex States in Rubrene/C60-Based OLEDs with Sub-Band-Gap Turn-On Electroluminescence
Linyao Tu,† Xiantong Tang,† Ying Wang, Xi Zhao, Caihong Ma, Shengnan Ye, and Zuhong Xiong*
Phys. Rev. Appl. 16, 064022(2021). 影响因子:~4.99
(17) Evolution Between Exciton and Exciplex Emission in Planar Heterojunction OLEDs with Different Hole-Injection Characteristics
Xi Zhao, Jing Chen, Yuting Wu, Fuxian Wei, Huiyao Wang, Xiaoli Chen, and Zuhong Xiong*
Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 054067(2023). 影响因子:~4.99
(18) Charge-Transfer Dynamics in OLEDs with Coexisting Electroplex and Exciton States
Yaru Ning, Xi Zhao, Fengjiao Wu, Yuting Wu, Fuxian Wei, Huiyao Wang, Xiaoli Chen, and Zuhong Xiong*
Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 064055(2023). 影响因子:~4.99
(19) Effects of host-molecule transport polarities on the transient electroluminescence decay and efficiency roll-off of doped organic light-emitting diodes
Jing Chen, Xi Zhao, Bo Wang, Junhong Liu, Xiantong Tang*, Teng Peng, and Zuhong Xiong*
Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 054034(2023). 影响因子:~4.99
(20) Low temperature magnetic field effects in Alq3-based organic light emitting diodes
Y. Zhang, R. Liu, Y. L. Lei, Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(8), 083307(2009). 影响因子:~3.79
(21) Magneto-electroluminescence in Alq3-based organic light emitting diodes doped with fluorescent dyes
P. Chen, Y. L. Lei, Q. L. Song, Y. Zhang, R. Liu, Q. M. Zhang, Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(21), 213304(2009). 影响因子:~3.79
(22) Control of magnetoconductance through modifying the amount of dissociated excited states in Alq3-based organic light-emitting diodes
P. Chen, Y. L. Lei, Q. L. Song, Q. M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Liu, Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96(20), 203303(2010). 影响因子:~3.79
(23) A possible mechanism to tune magneto-electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes through adjusting the triplet exciton density
P. Chen, Q. L. Song, W. C. H. Choy, B. F. Ding, Y. L. Liu and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99(14), 143305 (2011). 影响因子:~3.79
(24) Positive and negative components of magnetoconductance in hole transport limited OLEDs
Q. M. Zhang, Y. L. Lei, Q. L. Song, P. Chen, Y. Zhang, and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98(24), 243303(2011). 影响因子:~3.79
(25) Identifying the roles of the excited states on the magnetoconductance in tris-(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum
Y. L. Lei, Q. M. Zhang, L. J. Chen, X. H. Yang, and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102(11), 113301(2013). 影响因子:~3.79
(26) Anomalous temperature dependent magneto-conductance in organic light-emitting diodes with multiple emissive states
C. X. Zhao, W. Y. Jia, K. X. Huang, Q. M. Zhang, X. H. Yang, and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107(2), 023302(2015). 影响因子:~3.79
(27) Large magneto-conductance and magneto-electroluminescence in exciplex-based OLEDs at room temperature
Y. Z. Ling, Y. L. Lei, Q. M. Zhang, L. X. Chen, Q. L. Song, and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107(21), 213301(2015). 影响因子:~3.79
(28) Abnormal temperature dependent behaviors of intersystem crossing and triplet-triplet annihilation in organic planar heterojunction devices
J. Xiang, Y. B. Chen, D. Yuan, W. Y. Jia, Q. M. Zhang, and Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109(10), 103301(2016). 影响因子:~3.79
(29) Magnetic field dependence of photocurrent in thermally evaporated rubrene-based devices
Lixiang Chen, Yanlian Lei, Qiaoming Zhang, Yong Zhang, Weiyao Jia, and Zuhong Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 153301(2018). 影响因子:~3.79
(30) The origin of interlayer-induced significant enhancement of EQE in CzDBA-based OLEDs studied by magneto-electroluminescence
X. T. Tang, R. H. Pan, H. Q. Zhu, X. Zhao, L. Y. Tu, Z.H.Xiong*
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118(1), 013503(2021). 影响因子:~3.79
(31) Efficient tuning of the conversion from ISC to high-level RISC via adjusting the triplet energies of charge-transporting layers in rubrene-doped OLEDs
Xiantong Tang, Xi Zhao, Hongqiang Zhu, Linyao Tu, Caihong Ma, Shengnan Ye, Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 2775-2783(2021). 影响因子:~7.39
(32) Abnormal current dependence of high-level reverse intersystem crossing induced by Dexter energy transfer from hole-transporting layer
Xiantong Tang, Ruiheng Pan, Jing Xu, Xi Zhao, Weiyao Jia, Fenlan Qu, Xi Zhao and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 11061-11069(2020). 影响因子:~7.39
(33) Direct observation of reverse intersystem crossing from fully confined triplet exciplexes using magneto-electroluminescence
Xi Zhao, Xiantong Tang, Ruiheng Pan, Jing Xu, Fenlan Qu and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 10841(2019). 影响因子:~7.39
(34) Extraordinary magnetic field effects mediated by spin-pair interaction and electron mobility in thermally activated delayed fluorescence-based OLEDs with quantum-well structure
Ruiheng Pan, Xiantong Tang, Yeqian Hu, Hongqiang Zhu, Jinqiu Deng and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 2421(2019). 影响因子:~7.39
(35) Boosting the external quantum efficiency in perovskite light-emitting diodes by an exciton retrieving layer
Chunhong Gao*, Ziyong Xiong, Ziqian He, Yajie Dong, Fuxing Yu, Xingjuan Ma, Yue Zhang, Dongying Zhou and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 8705-8711(2019). 影响因子:~7.39
(36) Trap-induced conversion from singlet fission to intersystem crossing via in situ heating of rubrene-based organic light-emitting diodes
Hongqiang Zhu,Weiyao Jia,Lixiang Chen, Xiantong Tang, Yeqian Hu, Ruiheng Pan,and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 553(2018). 影响因子:~7.39
(37) Negative magneto-conductance effects in amorphous copper phthalocyanine thin film: trap-assisted bipolaron formation
L. X. Chen, Y. L. Lei*, Q. M. Zhang, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 12056(2015). 影响因子:~7.39
(38) Achievement of High-Level Reverse Intersystem Crossing in Rubrene-Doped OLEDs
Xiantong Tang, Ruiheng Pan, Xi Zhao, Hongqiang Zhu, and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2804-2811(2020). 影响因子:~8.71
(39) Molecular Spacing Modulated Conversion of Singlet Fission to Triplet Fusion in Rubrene-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes at Ambient Temperature
W. Y. Jia, Q. S. Chen, L. X. Chen, D. Yuan, J. Xiang, Y. B. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. C 120(15),8380-8386(2016). 影响因子:~4.54
(40) Simultaneous Sign Change of Magneto-Electroluminescence and Magneto-Conductance in Polymer/Colloidal Quantum DotNanocomposites
L. X. Chen, W. Y. Jia, Y. B. Chen, J. Xiang, D. Y. Liu, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. C 121,8128-8135(2017). 影响因子:~4.54
(41) Trap-Enhanced Intersystem Crossing in Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes via In Situ Heating
Hongqiang Zhu, Weiyao Jia, Xiantong Tang, Fenlan Qu, Jing Xu, Xi Zhao, and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. C 124,3218-3223(2020). 影响因子:~4.54
(42) Enhanced Electroluminescence Efficiency Using Reverse Intersystem Crossing Induced by Strong Triplet Fusion of Rubrene as a Sensitizer
Fenlan Qu, Weiyao Jia, Hongqiang Zhu, Xiantong Tang, Jing Xu, Xi Zhao,and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. C 124,9451-9459(2020). 影响因子:~4.54
(43) Realization of H‑Type Aggregation in Rubrene-Doped OLEDs and Its Induced Enhancement of Delayed Fluorescence
Xiantong Tang, Linyao Tu, Xi Zhao, Jing Chen, Yaru Ning, Fengjiao Wu,and Zuhong Xiong*
J. Phys. Chem. C 126,9456-9465(2022). 影响因子:~4.54
(44) Determining the Origin of Half-bandgap-voltage Electroluminescence in Bifunctional Rubrene/C60 Devices
Q.S. Chen, W.Y. Jia, L. X. Chen, D. Yuan, Y. Zhou, and Z.H.Xiong*
Scientific Reports 6, 25331(2016). 影响因子:~4.38
(45) Guest concentration, bias current, and temperature-dependent sign inversion of magneto-electroluminescence in thermally activated delayed fluorescence devices
J.Q. Deng, W.Y. Jia, Y. B. Chen, D. Y. Liu, Y. Q. Hu, and Z.H.Xiong*
Scientific Reports 7, 44396(2017). 影响因子:~4.38
(46) Spin-pair state-induced exceptional magnetic field responses from a thermally activated delayed fluorescence-assisted fluorescent material doping system
Yeqian Hu, Xiantong Tang, Ruiheng Pan, Jinqiu Deng, Hongqiang Zhu, and Z.H.Xiong*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 17673(2019). 影响因子:~4.12
(47) Magneto-conductance characteristics of trapped triplet–polaron and triplet–trapped polaron interactions in anthracene-based organic light-emitting diodes
W. Y. Jia, Q. S. Chen, Y. B. Chen, L. X. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 30733(2016). 影响因子:~4.12
(48) In situ investigation of energy transfer in hybrid organic/colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes via magneto-electroluminescence
L. X. Chen, Q. S. Chen,Y. L. Lei*, W. Y. Jia, D. Yuan, , and Z.H.Xiong*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 22373(2016). 影响因子:~4.26
(49) The triplet-charge annihilation in copolymer based organic light emitting diodes: through the “Scattering Channel” or the “Dissociation Channel”
D. Yuan, L. B. Niu, Q. S. Chen, W. Y. Jia, P. Chen*, and Z.H.Xiong*
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 27609(2015). 影响因子:~4.45
(50) Tuning the polarity of organic magnetic field effects in polymer light-emitting diodes by incorporating a colloidal quantum dots thin layer
Lixiang Chen, Weiyao Jia, Zhaojue Lan, Xiantong Tang, Furong Zhu, Zuhong Xiong∗
Org. Electron. 55, 165-169(2018). 影响因子:~3.83
(51) Triplet harvesting in polyfluorene copolymer-based organic light emitting diodes through thermally activated reverse intersystem crossing
P. Chen, D. Yuan, L. B. Niu, C. H. Gao, and Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 41, 100-106(2017). 影响因子:~3.83
(52) Identify triplet-charge interaction in rubrene-based diodes using magneto-conductance: Coexistence of dissociation and scattering channels
Y. B. Chen, W. Y. Jia, J. Xiang, D. Yuan, Q. S. Chen, L. X. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 39, 207-213(2016). 影响因子:~3.83
(53) Traps as interaction sites for hyperfine mixing: The origin of magnetoconductance in organic light-emitting diodes
Q. M. Zhang, L. J. Chen, W. Y. Jia, Y. L. Lei, and Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 39, 318-322(2016). 影响因子:~3.83
(54) Realization of triplet-triplet annihilation in planar hetero-junction exciplex-based organic light-emitting diodes
J. Xiang, Y. B. Chen, W. Y. Jia, L. X. Chen, Y. L. Lei, Q. M. Zhang, and Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 28, 94-99(2016). 影响因子:~3.83
(55) Spin-orbital coupling induced high-field decay of magneto-electroluminescence in pristine Alq3-based organic light-emitting diodes
W. Y. Jia, Q. M. Zhang, L. X. Chen, Y. Z. Ling, H. Liu, C. L. Lu, P. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 22, 210-215(2015). 影响因子:~3.83
(56) Temperature-dependent singlet exciton fission observed in amorphous rubrene films
J. Li, Z. H. Chen, Q. M. Zhang, Z.H.Xiong*, and Y. Zhang*
Org. Electron. 26, 213-217(2015). 影响因子:~3.83
(57) Thermally activated singlet exciton fission observed in rubrene doped organic films
Y. Zhang, Y. L. Lei, Q. M. Zhang, Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 15, 577-581(2014). 影响因子:~3.83
(58) Studying singlet fission and triplet fusion by magneto-electroluminescence method in singlet–triplet energy-resonant OLEDs
J. W. Bai, P. Chen, Y. L. Lei, Y. Zhang, Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 15, 169-174(2014). 影响因子:~3.83
(59) Modulating the competition between dissociation and spin mixing in electron–hole pairs: An investigation of ultra-small field induced magnetoconductance responses in blended devices
Q. M. Zhang, Y. L. Lei, W. Y. Jia, L. J. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. H. Yang, Y.T.You, Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 14, 2875-2879(2013). 影响因子:~3.83
(60) Magnetoconductance response due to the triplet exciton–charge interaction in organic light-emitting diodes
Y. Zhang, Q. M. Zhang, Y. L. Lei, Z.H.Xiong*
Org. Electron. 14, 2505-2509(2013). 影响因子:~3.83
(61) Using magneto-electroluminescence as a fingerprint to identify the spin polarization and spin-orbit coupling of magnetic nanoparticle doped polymer light emitting diodes
Weiyao Jia, Tadaaki Ikoma, Hongqiang Zhu, Xiantong Tang, Fenlan Qu and Zuhong Xiong*
RSC. Adv. 9, 15845(2019). 影响因子:~3.36
(62) Tuning magneto-electroluminescence in organic light emitting diodes by controlling the competition between singlet fission and triplet fusion
H. Liu, W.Y. Jia, Y. Zhang, Q.M. Zhang, Y.L. Lei, C.L. Lu, Y.Z. Ling, Z.H.Xiong*
Synth. Met. 198, 6-9(2014). 影响因子:~3.27
(63) An unreported peak of the electroluminescence turn-on transience from OLEDs with electron or hole potential well
J. Chen, H. Q. Zhu, X. Zhao, F. X. Wei, H. Y. Wang, Y. T. Wu, X. L. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Lumin. 246, 118850(2022). 影响因子:~3.60
(64) Slow recombination of the de-trapped carriers from doped OLEDs induced by spontaneous orientation polarization
J. Chen, H. Q. Zhu, X. Zhao, F. X. Wei, F. J. Wu, Y. R. Ning, X. L. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Lumin. 249, 119063(2022). 影响因子:~3.60
(65) Magnetic field dependent triplet-triplet annihilation in Alq3-based organic light emitting diodes at different temperatures
R. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. L. Lei, P. Chen, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093719(2009). 影响因子:~2.50
(66) Tunable, narrow, and enhanced electroluminescent emission from porous-silicon-reflector-based organic microcavities
X. J. Qiu, X. W. Tan, Z. Wang, G. Y. Liu, and Z.H.Xiong*
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 074503(2006). 影响因子:~2.50
(01) 2005年12月,获第三届“重庆市青年科学技术创新奖”(杰出奖)
(02) 2005年12月,获重庆市高等学校优秀中青年骨干教师
(03) 2006年03月,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划
(04) 2006年06月,获西南大学“优秀党员”称号
(05) 2007年01月,获第四届重庆市北碚区“十大杰出青年”(提名奖)
(06) 2008年08月,获重庆市学术技术带头人后备人选
(07) 2010年06月,获西南大学“优秀党员”称号
(08) 2011年03月,获西南大学“十一五”优秀研究生指导教师
(09) 2011年05月,获重庆市自然科学奖(三等奖,排名第四)
(10) 2019年06月,获西南大学唐立新优秀学者奖(三等奖)
(11) 2020年09月,获西南大学2018-2020学年度“优秀教师”称号
(12) 2021年09月,获重庆市自然科学奖(二等奖,排名第一)
(13) 2021年12月,获西南大学“十三五”科研工作先进个人荣誉称号