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贾伟尧 副教授
发布时间:2020-04-22 09:45:20

贾伟尧,博士,副教授, 硕士生导师。主要从事有机半导体器件制备及有机光电器件内部激子、载流子等参与的自旋相互作用过程(如自旋-轨道耦合、电子-空穴交换作用、材料体相/界面极化过程等)的磁效应分析。近年来在ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, Appl. Phys. Lett. , Sci. Rep. , Org. Electron. , Phys. Chem. Chem.Phys.,科学通报 等国内外主流学术刊物上发表论文30余篇。主讲《理论力学》、《力学》及《大学物理》等课程。



2011/09 –2016/12, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Ph.D.;

2003/09 – 2005/12, School of Physical Science and Technology, Central South University, Master of Science;

2001/09 – 2003/06, School of Physical Science and Technology, Xinyang Normal University, Undergraduate.




2018/07–present, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Associate Professor,

2018/05–present,Niigata University (Japan) , Graduate School of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral researcher.

2008/07 –2018/06, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Lecturer

2006/03 – 2008/06, Southwest University, School of Physical Science and Technology, Assistant Professor




1、H. Zhu, W. Jia, X. Tang, F. Qu, J. Xu, X. Zhao, C. Ma, Y. Wang, S. Ye, Z. Xiong, Trap-Enhanced Intersystem Crossing in Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes via In Situ Heating, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 (2020) 3218-3223.

2、F. Qu, W. Jia, H. Zhu, X. Tang, J. Xu, X. Zhao, C. Ma, S. Ye, Z.-h. Xiong, Enhanced Electroluminescence Efficiency Using Reverse Intersystem Crossing Induced by Strong Triplet Fusion of Rubrene as a Sensitizer, J. Phys. Chem. C, (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c01104.

3、Jia, W.; Ikoma, T.; Chen, L.; Zhu, H.; Tang, X.; Qu, F.; Xiong, Z., Using Magneto-Electroluminescence as a Fingerprint to Identify the Spin Polarization and Spin–Orbit Coupling of Magnetic Nanoparticle Doped Polymer Light Emitting Diodes. RSC Advances 2019, 9, 15845-15851.

4、H. Zhu, W. Jia, L. Chen, X. Tang, Y. Hu, R. Pan, J. Deng, Z. Xiong, Trap-induced conversion from singlet fission to intersystem crossing via in situ heating of rubrene-based organic light-emitting diodes, J. Mater. Chem. C, (2019).

5、L. X. Chen, Y. Lei, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W.J. Yao, and Z. H. Xiong, Magnetic field dependence of photocurrent in thermally evaporated rubrene-based devices. Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, (2018) 153301.

6、L. X. Chen, W.J. Yao, Z. J. Lan, X. Tang, F. R. Zhu, and Z. H. Xiong, Tuning the Polarity of Organic Magnetic Field Effects in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes by Incorporating a Colloidal Quantum Dots Thin Layer. Org. Electron. 55, 165-169 (2018).

7、X. Tang, Y. Hu, W. Jia, R. Pan, J. Deng, J. Deng, Z. He, Z. Xiong, Intersystem Crossing and Triplet Fusion in Singlet-Fission-Dominated Rubrene-Based OLEDs Under High Bias Current, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 10 (2018) 1948-1956.

8、L. X. Chen, W.Y. Jia, Y.B, Chen, J. Xiang, D.Y. Liu and Z. H. Xiong, Simultaneous Sign Change of Magneto-Electroluminescence and Magneto-Conductance in Polymer/colloidal Quantum Dot Nanocomposites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 8128-8135 (2017).

9、W. JIA, H. LIU, K. ZANG, D. LIU, X. TANG, D. YUAN, Z. XIONG, Analysis of the mechanism for magneto-conductance induced by triplet-charge interaction by energy resonance of excitons in rubrene, Chin. Sci. Bull., 62 (2017) 385.

10、J. Deng, W. Jia, Y. Chen, D. Liu, Y. Hu, Z. Xiong, Guest concentration, bias current, and temperature-dependent sign inversion of magneto-electroluminescence in thermally activated delayed fluorescence devices, Sci. Rep., 7 (2017) 44396.

11、W. Jia, Q. Chen, Y. Chen, L. Chen, Z. Xiong, Magneto-conductance characteristics of trapped triplet-polaron and triplet-trapped polaron interactions in anthracene-based organic light emitting diodes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 30733.

12、W. Jia, Q. Chen, L. Chen, D. Yuan, J. Xiang, Y. Chen, Z. Xiong, Molecular Spacing Modulated Conversion of Singlet Fission to Triplet Fusion in Rubrene-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes at Ambient Temperature, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (15) 8380-8386.

13、J. Xiang, Y. Chen, W. Jia, L. Chen, Y. Lei, Q. Zhang, Z. Xiong, Realization of triplet–triplet annihilation in planar heterojunction exciplex-based organic light-emitting diodes, Org. Electron., 28 (2016) 94-99.

14、Y. Chen, W. Jia, J. Xiang, D. Yuan, Q. Chen, L. Chen, Z. Xiong, Identify triplet-charge interaction in rubrene-based diodes using magneto-conductance: Coexistence of dissociation and scattering channels, Org. Electron., 39 (2016) 207-213.

15、Q. Chen, W. Jia, L. Chen, D. Yuan, Y. Zou, Z. Xiong, Determining the Origin of Half-bandgap-voltage Electroluminescence in Bifunctional Rubrene/C60 Devices, Sci. Rep., 6 (2016) 25331.

16、Q. Zhang, L. Chen, W. Jia, Y. Lei, Z. Xiong, Traps as interaction sites for hyperfine mixing: The origin of magnetoconductance in organic light-emitting diodes, Org. Electron., 39 (2016) 318-322.

17、J. Xiang, Y. Chen, D. Yuan, W. Jia, Q. Zhang, Z. Xiong, Abnormal temperature dependent behaviors of intersystem crossing and triplet-triplet annihilation in organic planar heterojunction devices, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109 (2016) 103301.

18、L.X. Chen, Q.S. Chen, Y.L. Lei, W.Y. Jia, D. Yuan, Z.H. Xiong, In situ investigation of energy transfer in hybrid organic/colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes via magneto-electroluminescence, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 22373-22378.

19、W. Jia, Q. Zhang, L. Chen, Y. Ling, H. Liu, C. Lu, P. Chen, Z. Xiong, Spin–orbital coupling induced high-field decay of magneto-electroluminescence in pristine Alq3-based organic light-emitting diodes, Org. Electron., 22 (2015) 210-215.

20、C.-x. Zhao, W.-y. Jia, K.-X. Huang, Q.-m. Zhang, X.-h. Yang, Z.-h. Xiong, Anomalous temperature dependent magneto-conductance in organic light-emitting diodes with multiple emissive states, Appl. Phys. Lett., 107 (2015) 023302.

21、D. Yuan, L. Niu, Q. Chen, W. Jia, P. Chen, Z. Xiong, The triplet-charge annihilation in copolymer-based organic light emitting diodes: through the "Scattering Channel" or the "Dissociation Channel"?, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (2015) 27609-27614.

22、H. Liu, W.Y. Jia, Y. Zhang, Q.M. Zhang, Y.L. Lei, C.L. Lu, Y.Z. Ling, Z.H. Xiong, Tuning magneto-electroluminescence in organic light emitting diodes by controlling the competition between singlet fission and triplet fusion, Synth. Met., 198 (2014) 6-9.





2、国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金,11504300,《利用有机磁场效应探索有机发光中的热致延迟荧光过程》,2016.01-2018.12,25万,已结题,参加。


4、国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金,11404266,《超小磁场下自旋混合效率调控的有机磁效应及机理》,2015.01-2017.12,22万,已结题,参加。





2、 2016 -2018年主持西南大学科普项目:《我们的世界》科普小说。






3、 杨珍珂,邹愉,李杨,贾伟尧基于动态教案的物理教学实习技巧,物理教学探讨,2014(7)


5、 贾伟尧邹愉等.一种利用矩阵变换定位刚体惯量主轴的方法,西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016年1月。



8、唐佳静,李佩佩,李杨,贾伟尧,利用QQ家校师生群改进物理辅助教学, 物理教学探讨,2016(491)34.







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