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田春玲 副教授
发布时间:2020-04-28 17:42:40

田春玲,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。大学本科毕业于西南师范大学物理专业,硕士研究生毕业于西南师范大学物理教学论专业,博士研究生毕业于西南交通大学固体力学专业。主要从事极端条件下原子、分子以及材料的研究工作。先后主持省部级重点项目1项,横向项目3项。在J.Chem.Phys., RSC Advances、Euro. Phys. Letter等期刊发表SCI文章30余篇。主要承担《热学》课程的教学任务。



(1)C. L. Tian, F. S. Liu, H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, and A. L. Kuan ,First-order liquid-liquid phase transition in compressed hydrogen and critical point , J. Chem. Phys. 150, 204114 (2019)


(2)X.X. Zhu, X. K. Luo, H. K. Yuan, H. Chen and  C. L. Tian*, Band gap engineering of SnS2 nanosheets by anion–anion codoping for visible-light photocatalysis  RSC Adv. 8, 3304–3311 (2018)


3C. L. Tian, F. S. Liu,, L.C. Cai, H. K. Yuan, H. Chen, and M. M. Zhong  Ab intio calculations of many-body interactions for compressed solid argon , J. Chem. Phys. 143, 174506 (2015)


(4) J. Yang, C. L. Tian*, F. S. Liu, L. C. Cai, H. K. Yuan, M.M. Zhong and F. Xiao

A new evidence of first-order phase transition for hydrogen at 3000 K

 Euro. Phys. Letter, 109 36003, (2015)


(5) 武娜 杨皎 肖芬 蔡灵仓 田春玲*,固氪物态方程的关联量子化学计算, 物理学报, 63,146102, (2014)


(6)X.. R.Zheng, C. L. Tian *, N.Wu and X.B.Wang

Ion- electron interaction contribution to the Helmholtz free energy for fully ionized hydrogen plasma

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 229, 991-994 (2012).


(7)C. L. Tian, N.Wu, F. S. LiuS.K.Saxena  and X.R.Zheng

Four-body interaction energy for compressed solid krypton from quantum theory

J. Chem. Phys .,137,044108 (2012).


(8)武娜,田春玲*,刘福生匡安龙郑兴荣 高压固氖物态方程的量子理论计算高压物理学报,26,41-47 (2012) 



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